Chelsea Kelly, 33, Liverpool

Founder and Managing Director, Experienced and successful fashion / gymwear entrepreneur, Brand Ambassador and Brand Story Icon

Expertise: Marketing, Sales, Logistics & General Management

Jay Pollard, 61, Liverpool

Executive Director, Experienced SVP Brand Operations of a DAX30 company; adidas

Expertise: Product Creation Functions, Sourcing, Quality & General Management

‘We wholeheartedly and vigorously believe in our Brand Values, Vision & Mission. We will succeed in this new business by collaborating with all stakeholders, pouring in our efforts, expertise and respecting our consumers’

Brand Story

Whilst we strive to be better people, more present, more connected and more conscious, the world around us fights back.

Our founder Chelsea used to be scared of the world, battling her mental health through every twist and turn.

But something changed.

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery, she realised that her limits only existed in her mind and that by changing her perception of what was possible, she could achieve anything she put her mind to.

With this transformed mindset, Chelsea forged the confidence to start her own fashion business, cultivating a community of loyal customers and learning to adapt and thrive under pressure.

ATIA stands for something bigger than activewear. We endevour to empower our customers with positivity and the tools to live life as their highest selves.